SiteSupport 33G
713 posts
9/30/2012 7:34 pm
Site Problem and Bug Reports - October 2012

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saycc 71M
12687 posts
10/3/2012 4:53 pm

What is wrong with the blogs today? I posted a question here (this blog) earlier and it is nowhere to be found. It regarded a blog I wrote yesterday at approximately 9 p.m. central time. It is still not posted a day later at 6:45 p.m. You guys have been telling us for a long time that the blog problems were being fixed yet many comments don't post in a timely manner, much less blogs. When someone makes promises, then fails to keep them how do you regard that person? When a company does the same thing how can the consumer value their word?

I'd be interested in an honest response and to know accountability is ensured. It is frustrating that the problems we are told are being fixed keep getting worse. I keep thinking I want to renew my membership then this kinda thing keeps happening, and more and more members leave yet OP does not take steps to resolve the issues they have promised to correct. I'd lose my job if I demonsrtated such a poor performance.

Please be kind enough to respond in this forum rather than send an email to my box. A lot of guys here deserve to know the answers to this as they have expressed the same sentiments.

Craig (saycc)

SiteSupport replies on 10/7/2012 10:25 pm:
Thanks for Posting,

Sorry that the pending blogs/comments/posts have inconvenienced you. We did have a back up in blogs. All backed up blogs that have been approved should now be visible.

If you have any other questions, please contact us.



saycc 71M
12687 posts
10/3/2012 5:29 pm

The email I mentioned is on a different site support blog which was not listed on the recent posts when I posted the prior comment. The blog page today is beyond fouled up. Posts disappear from log in to log in.

Who's minding the store?

SiteSupport replies on 10/7/2012 10:28 pm:
Thank you again for posting!!

Again sorry that the delay in posts and blogs have inconvenienced you. Please check the blogs that you have posted to make sure that they are either approved or pending.

